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Category: "downtown"

April 13, 2021

Looking for jobs in Walker? Need a job near the Leech Lake area?    Job seekers in the Leech Lake area have endless opportunities! Join us on today, on April 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. at our 2021 job fair! This year’s event is virtual, which allows both employers and job seekers to… More Info

March 2, 2021

Need a job? Need employees? We’ve got just the event for you. And this year, our job fair is a virtual event! On March 1st, registration began for the Leech Lake Virtual Job Fair, which takes place all day on April 13th.  While this year’s job fair for all of the Leech Lake area is a… More Info

January 27, 2021

The year 2020 has been a strange one for all of us and our yearly Festival of Lights was no different.  The chamber was busy trying to keep keep things as normal as possible had to finally admit that our Festival of Lights was going to have to look different this year. We introduced our… More Info

December 2, 2020

It’s December and we’re here again: Our restaurants are back to takeout-only, and our community members are being asked to do their part to stop a rampant spread of COVID-19. We know: This is not the 2020 that we had in mind, either.  But as we heard Gov. Tim Walz’s latest orders, we didn’t worry…. More Info

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