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August 29, 2017

Business AFter Hours 5-7 pm Girls NIght Out 4-6 pm Stop at Piggy’s for your scarecrow kit and voting ballot. Our businesses dowtonw will be having specials until 6:00 pm for Girls Night Out. Scarecrow Contest with prizes. Vote for your favorite Fall Decorated Store.

August 23, 2017

Leech Lake Fishing on Leech Lake has been up and down this week.  Constant pressure and wind changes have created an up and down bite all week.  Water temps have dropped from the high 70’s to the high 60’s and has made for some tougher fishing as of late.  There has still been a decent… More Info

August 21, 2017

The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce has a very active ambassador program.  The only requirement is loving Walker and Leech Lake. Randall has worked for First National Bank as a lender for 15+ years.  I have twin daughter’s Avery and Abrey, that keep me very busy.  In my spare time I am hanging out… More Info

August 16, 2017

Brandy Ringle Fifth generation from Walker, Brandy has lived here the majority of her life. She has been married to Theo Ringle for 24 years and they have four children, Benson is 23, Eiluj 22, Clara 19 and Thea 10. They have lived on Leech Lake for 28 years and have owned Benson’s just as… More Info

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