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Vonnie Beckman – Chamber Volunteer retires again

Our star is volunteer Vonnie Beckman, who has been volunteering in the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce office every Tuesday and Thursday for 18 years.

Early this May she officially retired. How do you thank someone for 18 years of volunteering?

Vonnie truly has brightened up our office when she walks through the front door. Her dedication to the Chamber has been incredible; she continues to be our No. 1 supporter, day in and day out.

She always has a kind word to say about everyone and is game to accomplish any project we have had. If not able to finish while she is at the office, she would take it home and work on it there!

Vonnie is the past retired owner of the Beckman’s Ben Franklin and Bear Tracks stores in Walker.

She has truly understood the importance of the Leech Lake Chamber and how it unifies the business community for the betterment of the area residents, and the many visitors that favor our place in God’s country. It is our hope that another community-oriented individual will step forward in a most satisfying manner to contribute to the sake bringing people together.

Call or stop by the Chamber and see for yourself what different activities we offer, or call (218) 547-1313.

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