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Tamarack Creative joins the chamber

“Every business has a story – however unconventional it may be. Telling your story through a lens of creative writing and content is what Tamarack does best.
Hi- I’m Renee Kardell.
A creative writer with a love of all things creative. I’m a small business helping other small businesses build their business through marketing using creative writing and creative content.
My business is founded upon the ideals of storytelling to connect with your audience and build lasting relationships between your brand and your clientele. I believe each business deserves a marketing strategy just as unique as its story.
Tamarack is proud to offer small businesses services such as social media management, website creation, advertising, content creation, and business photography.”
Pictured above is: Brian Hein, Al Sanford and Theresa Bilben – all Leech Lake Chamber Ambassadors – Cindy Wannarka Executive Director and Owner Renee Kardell.

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