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November Events in Leech Lake

The Leech Lake area is full of exciting activities and things to do this time of the year. As the fall colors drop off the trees, a beautiful winter wonderland starts to take shape. Here is a list of some of the upcoming activities, clinics and workshops happening in the area during the month of November.

Verizon Workshops

Want to learn how to master your smartphone? Verizon is offering a class to help you learn the ins and outs of your device. The workshop happens every Tuesday of the month from 5:15 pm to 6:00 pm. The odd numbered Tuesdays are for Android devices and the even numbered Tuesdays are for Apple devices. Sign up or just stop in to the Verizon Store in downtown Walker for more information.


Visit the Portage Brewing Company

The Portage Brewing Company has a wide variety of activities available for people of all ages. Come try your hand at Trivia night, or the latest creation Beergo (craft beer bingo). There is also yoga to calm your mind and your body this holiday season, a visit from Santa, guided painting,  and food and drink for every occasion. For a complete listing of activities, visit our events calendar on the website.

Three brewery beers on a table

Arts and Crafts Fair

November 17. 2018 from 9am-3pm we will kick off the holiday season with a great event held at Northern Lights Casino. Get a jump start on your holiday shopping.


Festival of Lights

Nov. 24 – Festival of Lights, join us for a full day starting with the Reindeer Ramble and ending with Carols and apple cider.

Walker celebration festival of lights


As you can see, there is plenty to see and do here in the Leech Lake area. Don’t hesitate to stop on by and say hello. Plan your next family getaway to the beautiful shores of Leech Lake and experience everything there is to see and do in the area.

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