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New Member Bay Beauty Co

Welcome Bay Beauty Co

My name is Waleya I stumbled into the beauty industry 12 years ago. I was a tattoo artist and discovered eyelash extensions while I was working on a client. That led to training and I soon became a trainer for JB Lashes out of California. I attended Esthetic school in 2012. I’ve had the pleasure of introducing eyelash extensions to Northern Minnesota. My business grew quickly and I was working in Bemidji the past 11 years.

I am going to be working in Walker exclusively. Focusing on our medical grade skincare line ZO. We have all products in stock. We’ve created a relaxing atmosphere where our clients can refresh and just feel good.

Kristen Hemmingsen, Nurse Practitioner out of Sola in Fosston will be here twice a month offering Dysport and vitamin injections.

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