Fishing Report for Week of June 25th, 2018

Fishing Report

Steve Nosbisch Fishing Guide


Things are beginning to heat up, but the fish seem to be on the move.Staying on the move with them is key, but when you find them they seem to be willing to bite. There is a mixture of fish in the weedy transition areas right now from. Anything from Sunfish to Walleyes are being caught in these areas. Pulling spinner rigs and live bait rigging night crawlers have been the go to lately. Weed line transitions between 8-12 feet that are close to deep water have been best, but recently when the wind blows there have been walleyes in the shallow weed edges in 4-6 feet of water. Casting jigs to these shallow fish have put a few in the boat. When the sun is shining and the lake is calm moving off some of the deeper shoreline breaks in 17-22 feet of water around mud transitions have yielded a few fish. The areas around Stony Point, as well as 1st and 2nd Duck points have been worth checking. 

Leisure Outdoor Adventures

Leech Lake Fishing Report

Leech Lake this past week had its ups and downs.  We have water temps right around 70 degrees and the mayfly hatch is happening all over the lake.  The walleyes definitely have feeding windows and are being found in the transition areas and anywhere where you can find mud it seems.  The fish are still relating to shoreline breaks where there is and and rock as well.  But look to those sand to mud or sand to gravel or rock transitions to find walleyes in 16-25 feet of water.  The fish towards the end of the week were definitely setting up in their summer areas and this will continue.

Try using lindy rigs with crawlers or leeches, and jig and crawler or leech, or trolling spinners or crankbaits to cover ground. Walker Bay is producing best along the shoreline breaks and points such as 2nd Point, Moores, and Cedar.  The Main Lake the best fishing is on the main lake breaklines and some of the rock reefs on the sound end of the lake such as Huddles, Variety, Pelican, etc.  The wind like always will dictate the fishing on Leech Lake.



LOA Guide Team

Jason Freed

President of Leisure Outdoor Adventures

