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Community Giving Tree

Festival of Lights Community Giving Tree

Returning for another year to the Festival of Lights event will be the huge Community Giving Tree in front of Village Square. On the tree there will be many paper mittens and stockings: teachers from the WHA School have written on each MITTEN items that are needed for their classrooms. On each STOCKING you will find a list of items needed by senior citizens in the area. The cost of filling one of the mitten/stocking wishes is less than $10.00! The mittens/stockings will be hung on the tree by Friday November 27th as part of the Festival of Lights; there will also be a candy canes on the tree as a thank you for everyone who takes a mitten/stocking! This is an easy way to help out many people in a small way and make the holidays a little brighter. The gifts may be wrapped and dropped off at the Chamber of Commerce before the 17th of December and we will deliver them. Thank you in advance for helping out with the Festival of Lights Community Giving Tree. Any questions call Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce at 547-1313.

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