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Charng Thai Restaurant

Conveniently located along Highway 371 in Hackensack, Charng is a culinary haven bringing traditional Thai street food flavors to a harmonious Northwoods location. From the moment you set food in the newly renovated, vibrant location, the aromas, colors, and culture of Thailand’s rich gastronomic heritage are ready to greet you!
Each entrée prepared at Charng is a masterpiece, created with unwavering commitment to traditional Thai flavors and a culture steeped in sharing joy through food. Whether you’re an adventurous foodie seeking bold and fiery spices, an international food connoisseur yearning for something new in the Northwoods, or, you’re looking to add uncharted flavors to your palate, Charng aims to please!
Find Charng’s smiling staff ready to share the joy of authentic Thai food with you, Tuesday-Sunday, 11:30-3:00 & 4:30-8:00!
Pictured are Peel Boonsrikit and Cindy Wannarka

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