Schedule of Events Walker Bay Day Schedule 7:30 am 5K Run/Walk Registration Begins Vendor Registration 9:00 am 5k Run/Walker Begins 5K run/walk Registration 10:00 am Information Booth Opens … More Info
The Forest Service yard is starting to work. Pictured are pictures of bees pollinating by our Bee Balm. Please see the Star Tribune Article on Bee Balm! ! BEE BALM Monarda Bee balm is a must for summer gardens because it provides a month or more of colorful blooms. Several monarda species — including red-flowered M…. More Info
Taking Children on Their First Fishing Trip By Ben Team Source Few memories last as long as those surrounding your first fishing trip. You probably still remember the sights, sounds and smiles of the occasion vividly, and you probably look back on the outing fondly. Now, so many years later, it is time to introduce… More Info
Hello from the Chippewa National Forest! We have some great programs planned for the rest of the summer, including these special events! Thanks for helping us get the word out and have a great weekend! Mary For radio stations, naturalist Sophie’s last name is pronounced “Bye-See” Thanks! HIKE TO THE JOYCE ESTATE AND LOST… More Info
Outright Angling Fishing Report for July 17th 2017 Walleyes– Typical for water temps in the 70’s, the walleye bite is best early and late in the day, or when there is an abundance of clouds or wind. Finding fish is no longer the main priority, finding fish that are feeding is the challenge now. Indeed,… More Info