Dick’s Guide Service – Dick Weinberger dicksguideservice.com The best way to describe the first 5 days of the walleye season is spotty. The opener was greeted with calm winds, water temps in the mid 40’s and a very limited supply of spot tail shiners. Many of the usual spots were very slow while some experienced… More Info
Did you know your mail used to be delivered by boat? The Walker Mailboat offered mail service for those people who lived all over Leech Lake. Herman Fisher was awarded the contract for mail delivery. Harold and his wife Vera operated the mailboat for 31 years until the US Postal Service discontinued the route in… More Info
Just like that the ice is out! It’s amazing what 24 hours can do. The all day rain yesterday really worked wonders on the ice. As of this morning there is open water as far as I can see from all the spots that I have checked including Portage Bay. With the ice going out… More Info
Steve Nosbisch Fishing guide stevenosbischguide.com Here are the latest ice out pictures. These pictures were taken on Monday 5/7. Most of the bays on Leech Lake are ice free and have been for a couple of days now. Walker Bay was VERY close to being ice free as of 5:30 tonight. Looking north from Whipholt… More Info
Walker Cabin Camp was built by Lynn Moran in the late 30s. Frank Luck became the owner in 1945 and rented out about six cabins until the late 50s when the cabins were removed. Today Walker City Water Works occupies the area. The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the Cass County… More Info