Walker City Park


Memorialize a Loved One.  Buy a Brick for your Business.  Buy a Brick for your Children.  Buy a Brick for your Grandchildren.  The Legacy Pathway is a unique way to recognize someone in Walker.  The Pathway is a brick paver pathway that will lead into the new City of Walker Playground.

In November 2015, the Walker City Council voted to allow the Friends of the Walker City Park (FOP) to assist the Walker Park Advisory Board with the design of the new playground.  Some of the playground equipment has been deemed unsafe and needs to be removed.  It does not have adequate borders and the ground cover is not ADA compliant.  Over the past several months,  FOP has been working with multiple equipment vendors to design a playground.  Our group took the designs to the preschool-6th grade students at WHA for their input.  The student input went into the final designs.  The two final designs encompass traditional and fitness-based play  The cost of this project is approximately $90,000.  The City of Walker has earmarked $51,000 for the project.  FOP has written grants and requested additional donations.  To fund a portion of this project, FOP has created a Legacy Pathway into the new playground.

Timing is critical for this project.  Our kids are excited for a new playground.  They have seen what the possibilities are.  We want our local children and visiting children to enjoy this awesome new playground this summer.  We believe this will be a destination playground, and want to complete this project as soon as we can.  We need your brick commitments to do that.

The Green Scene Organic Market, Deli, and Catering has generously offered to provide a free lunch to anyone who drops off their brick paperwork and a check of $250 or more at the Green Scene no later than April 25.  Erin has also offered a free gift to anyone who drops off their brick paperwork and a $100 check no later than April 25.

Please check out our website:  www.friendsofwalkercitypark.com
and like us on facebook:  “Friends of the Walker City Park”

If you would like any additional information, please contact any of the committee members listed below.
Jennifer Arnold-763-370-8713
Erica Frizzell-218-368-3446
Erin Haefele-612-963-9318
Kristin Holly-218-766-7941
Jody Jenstad-218-556-5961
Shannon Pfeiffer-218-252-0334


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Comments ( 5 )

  • Looking for a one night pass-thru motorcycle tent camping location. Not wanting a resort or expensive spot. Would be 7/3/18.
    Any recommendations?
    Thanks much….

    • Walker City Park does not allow over night camping. Most of our resorts want a week long stay. You can actually camp anywhere on the Chippewa National Forest. Their phone number is 218-547-1044

  • Is metal detecting allowed in the park/beach? I am very careful when I detect and you can’t even tell I was there. I dig a small 3 inch “plug”, take out target and replace plug. Take any found garbage out with me. Lots of fun! Thanks!

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