Snowmobile Trails Update – 1-17-2022


1-17-2021:  Update – Thank you Lakes Area Powersports

Holy buckets…………….I can’t remember when I’ve seen so many snowmobilers over the course of a weekend.  It was great to see so many people out enjoying the sport!!!  There was very heavy traffic on our trails this past weekend and I know that groomers were out doing double time in many areas.  Because of the warmer temps and heavy traffic, snow conditions are deteriorating in areas and snow is crumbling, making it difficult to bind.  Groomers are hoping that a dip in evening temps will aide in their grooming efforts.  The forecast snow 1-3″ for our area on Tuesday and maybe another 1-2″ on Friday.  That little bit of snow would help freshen things up.

Area grooming schedules are as follows:

Leech Lake Area:

Saturday – Snoway 1

Sunday – Heartland Trail to Cass Lake, Soo Line, Sucker Bay Road

Tuesday & Thursday – Chippewa (C) Trail, Paul Bunyan, Heartland towards Akeley

Longville Area:

Monday – Chippewa West & Lost Girl Trail

Tuesday – Chippewa South and Woodlake Trail

Wednesday – Triville

Nevis Area:

Sunday – Wilder South and Heartland West

Monday – West Paul Bunyan Forest

Tuesday – Heartland East and East Paul Bunyan Forest

Backus Area:

Monday & Thursday – Paul Bunyan

Tuesday – Aspen Trail

Wednesday – Snowsnake Trail & Snoway 1 Trail

Schedule may vary based on weather conditions.

I will do my best to provide weekly trail condition and grooming updates throughout the winter both on our web page as well as our Facebook page.


Let’s go riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!