Paws and Claws Rescue & Resort April Newsletter


It takes no human effort at all for solar energy to travel 93,000,000 miles from the sun to the earth, but, as our photo illustrates, getting it from our solar array into the electrical panels that allow us to connect to the power grid required a bit of oomph.
That is because wiring from the array needed to be pulled underground for about 100 feet so it could be tied into the power line feeding our building and pass through a meter that measures the electricity we are consuming and the electricity we are producing. It’s a lot of work, but every bit of power we produce off the grid is that much pow-er we do not need to buy.
By not overpowering our systems, we save even more electricity and, in doing so, make our system more cost efficient. The more efficient our system is, the less we spend on operations and the more resources we have to provide direct support for animals.
That is why we are also participating in a pilot study sponsored by the Center for Energy and Environment to ensure each electrical motor and each compo-nent of our electrical system is properly sized.


And Now….We Build the Staff
Over the past year we have been working hard to build an animal rescue facility that will help us save animal lives, educate youth and help pets complete families. Now our efforts have become two-fold. Build the Building, and Build the Staff.
In April our job search will be well underway. Initially we will review applications for An Executive Director, a Director of Operations, and an Office Manager. Once we fill these positions, we will add line staff positions, and a Director of Grounds and Maintenance.
These positions will be supported by contract posi-tons, including a veterinarian for our shelter animals and one or two professional groomers. A strong core of volunteers will give lots of hands on attention to the animals and support our programming efforts, as well. So far over 45 individuals have expressed interest in volunteering at the shelter. This great turnout of vol-unteers will help us get our operation off to a good start. People who want to join our team of volunteers can simply go to our website and click the Volunteer Button to sign up. That will ensure you get on our vol-unteer list and receive information regarding the vol-unteer opportunities as they arise.
Donating to Paws and Claws is easy. Just send a contribution by mail to:
Paws and Claws
PO Box 175
Hackensack, MN 56452
Or visit our website at:
Just click on DONATE
Own a part of the Legacy
Dr. Ekholm
Dr. Steve Ekholm of Walker Veterinary Hospital will extend his veterinary practice to include serving and providing consultations in veterinary services to the animals and staff at Paws and Claws. Dr. Ekholm will oversee the animal health care at Paws and Claws with onsite services several hours each week. In addition he will work with our certified vet technicians by providing consultation as necessary to enable them to meet the health care needs of our animals when he is not onsite.
Dr. Ekholm has been practicing veterinary medicine in Walker, Minnesota since 1982.
Our positions will be announced in our local papers the week of April 3rd, 2017 and posted to our website by Friday, March 31. We will accept letters of application and resumes for the first set of positions through April 14th with interviews to follow until positions are filled. We are striving to have our first hires on board shortly after May 1, 2017.

Do You Believe In Dog Bed Fairies?

By Jim Clark
If you don’t believe in dog bed fairies or angels you can see, or the ongoing goodness of people who love ani-mals I offer you this…
About a month ago I received a telephone call from Nancy Freeman, a local business owner from Walker, MN. She was at a buyers’ show representing her local-ly renown Lundrigan’s Clothing Stores. She told me she had purchased three boxes of a book titled Is it True, They Call You the Dog Bed Fairy?, an 18-page book that shares things shelter dogs think after receiving their very own new dog bed. She explained that pur-chasing a book makes you a dog bed fairy because, for each $10 book sold, $7 goes towards the purchase of dog beds for animal shelters.
This humanitarian promotion, she explained, is spon-sored by Farm House Fresh, makers of award winning personal care and spa products. Nancy shared that she had recommended Paws and Claws to be a recipi-ent of dog beds from Farm House Fresh. Two weeks, one email and one phone call later I spoke with Scott, the Farm House Fresh Marketing Director, who pledged to support Paws and Claws shelter dogs through the donation of high value, commercial quality dog beds.
I now believe in dog bed fairies, angels I can see, and especially in the goodness of people like Nancy and the gang at Farm House Fresh who love animals. Please check out their website and search for dog bed fair-ies. It will make you a believer, as well.
UW Shelter Medicine Program provides Expertise to Paws and Claws
Thanks to a recommendation of a national foundation, Paws and Claws is now working with the highly re-spected and nationally known Shelter Medicine Pro-gram at the University of Wisconsin. We have been in
consultation with Dr. Rebecca Stuntebeck who is helping us develop good shelter protocols. She has also connected us by referral to the ASPCA for sup-port in the area of Organizational Development.

Maddi Knows…
…Nothing just happens
By Jim Clark, Executive Director
Once we became the proud owners of Maddie, it didn’t take long for our family to learn that providing a good home for your pet doesn’t just happen. It actually takes plan-ning and a good deal of teamwork to ensure that the outcome of pet ownership is everything you hoped it would be.
The same is true with building an animal shelter. We know what we want the outcome to be, but achieving that requires a good deal of planning and working together to ensure we can make that happen.
The people in the photo above are some of the con-tractors who have been doing just that since our pro-ject began. By holding bi-weekly planning sessions throughout our building process we have been laying the groundwork for a successful project since well before the first shovelful of dirt was launched into the air during our groundbreaking ceremony. That plan-ning and team collaboration now has us heading down the home stretch in a building project that is rapidly becoming Paws and Claws Rescue and Resort.
Do You Believe In Dog Bed Fairies?
By Jim Clark
If you don’t believe in dog bed fairies or angels you can see, or the ongoing goodness of people who love ani-mals I offer you this…
About a month ago I received a telephone call from Nancy Freeman, a local business owner from Walker, MN. She was at a buyers’ show representing her local-ly renown Lundrigan’s Clothing Stores. She told me she had purchased three boxes of a book titled Is it True, They Call You the Dog Bed Fairy?, an 18-page book that shares things shelter dogs think after receiving their very own new dog bed. She explained that pur-chasing a book makes you a dog bed fairy because, for each $10 book sold, $7 goes towards the purchase of dog beds for animal shelters.
This humanitarian promotion, she explained, is spon-sored by Farm House Fresh, makers of award winning personal care and spa products. Nancy shared that she had recommended Paws and Claws to be a recipi-ent of dog beds from Farm House Fresh. Two weeks, one email and one phone call later I spoke with Scott, the Farm House Fresh Marketing Director, who pledged to support Paws and Claws shelter dogs through the donation of high value, commercial quality dog beds.
I now believe in dog bed fairies, angels I can see, and especially in the goodness of people like Nancy and the gang at Farm House Fresh who love animals. Please check out their website and search for dog bed fair-ies. It will make you a believer, as well.
UW Shelter Medicine Program provides Expertise to Paws and Claws
Thanks to a recommendation of a national foundation, Paws and Claws is now working with the highly re-spected and nationally known Shelter Medicine Pro-gram at the University of Wisconsin. We have been in
consultation with Dr. Rebecca Stuntebeck who is helping us develop good shelter protocols. She has also connected us by referral to the ASPCA for sup-port in the area of Organizational Development.
We Have Come A Long Way Since October
The photo at right shows the first aerial photo taken of our building back in October 2016 by Bruce’s Concrete. This week Bruce’s Concrete took a couple of updated shots. What a difference a few months make!

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