Northstar Sportsmens Club located in Walker, Minnesota is a community based non-profit organization that gives the community and surrounding area a clean, organized and supervised facility for the shooting sports. Trap Shooting, skeet shooting, rifle, handgun, and archery ranges are always open to the public. Northstar Sportmens Club provides access for youth and law enforcement training, informational classes, competitions, league events and shoot sports access for members and the public alive. Producing save, responsible sportsmen and women, our community becomes a better place to live.
The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce presents Northstar Sportmens Club as the Member of The Week! Each week a new business will be featured as a “thank you” for being a part of our membership. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce please give us a call at 218-547-1313 and we will be happy to give you some more information!