Jenny’s Beehive is a full-service Aveda Salon located at 4th Street North in beautiful Walker Minnesota! We are passionate and professional women who love to serve others in our field of expertise.
We are passionate about hair, skin, nails, wellness, and people! We are passionate about community service and giving back. We are passionate about creating an environment
of rest, laughter, relaxation, trust, and comfort for each of our guests. We are passionate about each guest finding just the right stylist for them! We are passionate about continued education
in our field, to keep current and relevant. Who we are and what we do intertwine so beautifully!
Give us a call today at 218-547-2860!
The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce presents Jenny’s Beehive as the Member of The Week! Each week a new business will be featured as a “thank you” for being a part of our membership. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, please give us a call at 218-547-1313 and we will be happy to give you some more information!