Member of the week: Anderson’s Grand Vu Lodge


The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce presents Anderson’s Grand Vu Lodge as the Member of The Week! Each week a new business will be featured as a “thank you” for being a part of our membership. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce please give us a call at 218-547-1313 and we will be happy to give you some more information!

Grand Vu


Andersons Grand Vu Lodge is located on Pine Point of Leech Lake. One of 6 “Andersons Family Resorts” on the lake, Jeff Anderson has owned and operated this since 1994. The resort is open to the public with a lodge that has a game room, exercise room and sells beer, pizza and snacks as well as other necessities. Grand Vu offers 17 cabins-2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 bedrooms. Full children’s activities from tye-dying to turtle racing, tennis court, beach with water-trampolines, 40’ waterslide and water toys of all kinds. Stop in and buy gas and bait and see our brand new harbor with floating docks. Grand Vu also offers daily and weekly boat and pontoon rent. View online at Stop in and take a tour! 

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