Leisure Outdoor Adventures – June 26

Fishing Report

Leech Lake

Leech Lake has been busy of late with the LLWT and this past weekend the AIM Weekend Walleye Series tournaments. Many big fish were caught this weekend with weights over 30lbs for the CRR format, which makes it super competitive. The best fishing has been on the Main Lake, especially rocky bars and humps in 12-18 feet of water. Leech Lake walleyes can be fickle on bright and sunny days, but as we progress in the coming week we are going to see more bug hatches which means the bite should really take off.

On the Main Lake, look to the SE Corner of the lake around Campbells Bar, Bungy Bay, Pelican island, Red Rocks, Annex, North Bar, and Mokey Reefs. As you work these areas over pay close attention to your electronics looking not only for Leech Lake walleyes, but also bait fish or bugs. Pulling spinners .8-1.3mph or lindy rigging with Leeches and crawlers. If you get a flat calm day, you may need to bump out into 18-25 feet of water to find those active Leech Lake Walleyes.

In Walker Bay, the bite has been kind of slow. Shoreline breaks or humps that are close to shore are producing the best in 18-28 feet of water pulling chubs and leeches on lindy rigs.

Jason Freed

President of Leisure Outdoor Adventures




