The Kaffe Havn Story…
My name is Alex Rogen and I have worked in the family business since 2008. At Stille Havn Hus – our residential care facility – we strive to enhance the quality of life for each resident by providing superior residential services within compassionate communities woven with acceptance, dignity, mutual respect, forgiveness and love.
We were searching to tailor to each resident’s need for purpose and employment, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Kaffe Havn was conceived as a way to provide employment to our buddies living with persistent mental illness who have difficulty maintaining successful employment elsewhere in the community.
Before joining the family business, I finished my coffee roasting and creation certifications. I realized each morning on my way to work that there are no regional coffee roasters. The freshness clock starts ticking as soon as the coffee is roasted. This creates an environment where the proximity to a roaster is one of the keys to the freshness of the final product. After the roasting process, the steps of packaging, labeling, and shipping are tolerant of workers that are, at times, distracted. We have found that our folks are successful, happy and largely symptom free doing the process with hands on coaching from our Vocational Director.
Our goal is to provide good quality coffee, competitively priced with the added social benefit of the consumer knowing that they are helping to employ the disabled; coffee with a purpose. A saying we have is “Everyone needs a reason to get out of bed.” The opportunity that Kaffe Havn provides really does help our folks get out of bed and look forward to the day. Like anyone else, they know that a job gives them a lot more than a pay check. They understand the self- worth, teamwork and purpose that comes with a job.
So, today, we are producing high quality roasted Arabica coffee in small batches sourced from fair trade suppliers. We have a passion for maximizing the flavor profile and aroma potential of every cup of coffee. Stay tuned for updates on our organic line of coffee and other endeavors.
Our hope is that you and many others will find Kaffe Havn coffee one good reason to get out of bed, because life without coffee would be depresso.