Job Opportunities in our Area


Chamber currently hosting Job Fair ‘23

By Joe Sherman, Job Fair Chair

The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is working with member businesses on s new way to bring job opportunities to you, the job seeker, in a totally confidential and easy to way.

For the past several years the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce has held both in-person and virtual job fairs. As every year businesses are seeking to find new recruits to fill open positions.

Cindy Wanarka, Executive Director of the chamber said, “Currently, the chamber has a webpage:  where a member posts all their job openings free of charge. This list gets emailed out every Friday morning to over 3800 people who have contacted the chamber for information.”

Roxie Parks, Administrative Asst. said, “For 2023 the Job Fair Committee has taken this one step further: We have created a QR code that will be a direct link to that page.  One click and jobseekers will be connected to every job that has been submitted the that particular local business.”

Fortunately for the job seeker, the Leech Lake Chamber has just over 98% of all the local businesses as current members. Thus, by using he QR code or going to their site you will have the ability to view the jobs that are available today and positions that may be available in the future. The positions are as wide ranging as the 265 members have offerings. You will find full-time, part-time, seasonal, year-round and in every category imaginable from clerk, to skilled work, accounting, sales, delivery, wait staff, cooks, outdoor work, sales, management, trainees, apprentices, and more. Take a look at the site in a confidential manner as no one can see that you even visited the sitr much less any individual business.

The chamber will be displaying banners, posters, marquees, buying ads and writing news releases and sharing on multiple social media platforms.  They will also be sending the Job Fair connection to area high schools, vo-techs, and colleges.  All of this, to promote and help fill positions in our area.

We can all thank the following that are financially supporting the chamber hosting Job Fair ’23, Walker Rotary Club, Cass County Economic Development Corp., First National Bank North, Bank Forward, American National Bank, and Nie Bottling.

Chamber members are entering job postings on the chamber’s website as they arise, therefore additions and changes are made on a regular basis so check the site regulaly. Call the Leech Lake Chamber is you have any questions at 218-547-1313.