Fishing Reports for Week of July 10, 2017

Fishing Report

Leisure Outdoor Adventures

Leech Lake

Leech Lake has slowed from its typical good June bite.  Feeding windows are a key part to success right now so taking advantage of those early morning and evening bites for those shallow Leech Lake walleyes.  Our Leech Lake fishing guides, are finding walleyes in 8-14 feet of what during the morning and evenings and then moving out deeper during the day to 18-28 feet of water.

Fishing sand and weed edges has been best when fishing shallow.  Throwing out a slip bobber with a leech has been good, jigs and leeches, as well as jigs and plastics.  Using your electronics to find these walleyes is the key as well as those transitions areas.  When not fishing shallow, shoreline breaks have been good as well as under water points and bars within Walker Bay and the Main Lake.  There has also been a crankbait starting on the reeds and in the mud on the Main Lake.  Long lining #7 Shad Raps or pulling Leadcore is the best bet to target these fish.  This is a great way to cover ground and then once you find a school work through them.  Crayfish patterns, perch patterns, but sometimes crazy colors can work as well.  Look to Huddles, Variety, Pelican, and North Bar has places to start your search.

Remember with Leech, anytime you get a good wind for a couple of days, don’t be afraid to move up shallow to target these fish.

Until next week

Tight Lines

Leisure Outdoor Adventures Guide Team

–Jason Freed

President of Leisure Outdoor Adventures




Chuck Emery Guide Service 

The fishing on Leech has picked up the last couple days as we get past the mayfly hatch. We are now in full swing  summer patterns. Time to cover water.

Trolling crankbaits is a great way to cover water on some of the larger structures. In the summer fish will come of both the rock piles and sand flats. Recently orange crawdad colored Sad Raps have been best. Bright colored or orange Salmos have also been putting fish in the boat. Expect a mixed bag of Walleye, Northern and Smallmouths.

Pulling spinners and crawlers is also an excellent way to cover water. Pull your spinners 1 to 1.2 miles per hour.

Not much of a report on the Muskies yet but they should start going soon.

Chuck Emery Guide Service


Trappers Landing Lodge Fishing Report
Despite the recently completed bug hatch and warmer water temps, you still can find some hungry walleye out on the big lake. Using your electronics to pinpoint fish this time of year is very important as the fish are on the move. The best way to find these roaming fish is to troll crankbaits. Most of the anglers who are having success trolling are using #7 Rapala Shad Raps, Live Target “Bait Balls” or Berkley Flicker shads. They have been fishing on the mid-lake structure and secondary shoreline breaks near Diamond point, Pelican Island, Variety Reef and Pipe Island in 12’-18′ of water. The use of a longer trolling rod and a line counter reel can make a world of difference enabling your crankbait to run its true depth. If trolling is not your preferred method of fishing, make sure that you are fishing in the low light periods where slip bobbers and lindy rigs are working best in 10’-13′ of water. There has been a solid Walleye bite using inflated night crawlers running the rig around 1.3-1.7mph. There are a few options that still working, cover the water and bring lots of tackle.
Musky action has started to pick up for most of the anglers that are pursuing them. They are starting to see a lot of fish showing themselves near Pipe island, White Rocks, Red Rocks and the Diamond Point area. Most anglers are using WaxWings, medium sized inline spinners or buck tails and top waters when the winds are down to get a monster to rise. There has been a solid weed growth in Portage and Sucker Bay opening up another option for these fish. We are seeing the surface temps in the low to mid 70’s and with the warmer weather predicted, we will see the musky bite only increase. We are now on the other side of the moon phase as it is waning into the next couple weeks, the next full moon will be August 8th which is generally a great moon to catch a trophy muskie.
We are starting to head into peak summer patterns which can be tough for some anglers to catch fish but with the variety of species found on Leech Lake, you should find some action at the end of your line. Our Pro Shop is stocked to help you enjoy your adventure on Leech or the surrounding lakes. On the lake with an empty cooler & no lunch? Dockside food & off-sale delivery is available. Call us at 218-836-2500. As always, be safe on all your outdoor adventures and we hope to see you on the dock at Trapper’s!