Outright Angling – Leech Lake Ice Fishing Report Week of 12/16/19
Ice fishing is fully underway here in the Leech Lake area, and we have more options every day. Always use caution when setting out onto new ice, check ice thickness and quality as you go to be absolutely safe.
Smaller lake travel has been good for some time, with a bit of slush here and there. Most smaller lakes that we’ve been on have 10″-14″ of ice. Crappies and sunfish have been feeding well on typical basin edges in 12-25 feet of water.
The main basin of Leech Lake has good ice with most areas with 10″ or more. Some shoreline areas and bays have a bit more snow piled-up, leading to a bit thinner ice and some slush. Getting out to the main sheet has been key. Snowmobiles or track vehicles are best right now, with wheeled vehicles sinking in a bit here-and-there. We are finding typical morning and evening walleye bites, with a few walleyes coming during mid-day too. Set-lines with active live minnows have been best, with spoons and Jigging baits working at prime times. Perch fishing can be good right now for those willing to sort and search for bigger fish.
Walker Bay is just getting thick enough for cautious foot travel in some areas. Ice thickness on the bay is quite variable however, so make no assumptions. Walleyes are aggressively feeding during low-light periods on shoreline breaks and humps in 10-25 feet of water. A rattle spoon tipped with a minnow head has been the best presentation thus far.
Cheers and hook-sets,
Capt. Phil Bauerly