Fishing Report for October 4th, 2020

Fishing Report

The Leisure Outdoor Adventures Guide Team

Fishing on Leech Lake most everyday the past few days has been very good.  Right now the walleyes are moving shallow to the sand and rocks and its alot like spring fishing.  Fish the windblow shorelines, points, flats and reefs and you can find walleyes.  4-10 feet of water seems to be the best target zone and either drifting these areas and snap jigging an 1/8th oz jig and minnows or if you do find a pod of fish close together spot locking and pitching jigs and minnows at them.  East End around Bear Island, Five Mile, Battle, and Partridge Point have been good with west winds.  On the West end, Hardwoods, Duck, Ottertail, Pine, and Stoney would all be good areas to focus on.

In Walker Bay, the deeper structure is still also kicking out some fish rigging large creek chubs and redtails as well as jig rapping.

Perch fishing remains to be strong on the sand and weed flats in 3-8 feet of water.  Jig and minnow like walleyes is key and you will often find walleyes mixed in at times.

Musky fishing has been hit or miss but with the cold temps the tullibees are going to be shallow and spawning and this can be a great time to musky fish.  Also we are hitting that late season and cold water open water trolling time period as well.

Get out there, enjoy the fall colors, catch a few few fish and enjoy everything Leech Lake has to offer.

The Leisure Outdoor Adventures Guide Team


Jason Freed

President of Leisure Outdoor Adventures

