George Wells
Leech Lake Guide Team
Walleye fishing on the west side of leech has remained steady in the month of July with some days of course being better than others. A slip bobber with a leech has been the best presentation in shallow water areas around sand point. Jig colors seem to change almost every day. One day gold, next day blue and white, today was watermelon for me. Make sure to try different colors if you are marking fish that don’t seem to want to bite.
Panfish have been moving to a little deeper water weeds. Bluegills and rock bass are in 8 to 10 feet. A gold of pink jig tipped with a 1/2 of nightcrawler work well. You will occasionally pick a walleye here and there as well. Don’t forget to look for some green Cabbage in steamboat, sucker and shingobee bay.
Musky’s are showing up in some shallow water spots. Agency bay and sucker bay is a great place to start. Top water baits and bucktails work great.