Trapper’s Landing Lodge Leech Lake Fishing Report 7.17.20
The walleye are in their last summer patterns right now across the lake. The best bite going on right now is during the lowlight conditions. For the anglers getting up early or staying out late, crankbaits and slipbobbers tipped with a half a nightcrawler or leech are working well in 10-15 ft of water around Huddle’s Reef, Pelican Island and Diamond Point. For anglers chasing them throughout the day make sure that you pack multiple techniques, trolling #7 Shad Raps or #7 Flicker Shads in 15-20 ft of water, or pull bottom bouncers with spinner rigs and crawlers are still producing fish in the Paris Trench, Pelican Island and Huddles Reef areas. If you are able to keep covering water and changing techniques you can put fish topside.
Musky action has been good across the lake. The high water temps have them looking for a high speed retrieve. The rocks around Pelican Island, Bear Island and Diamond Point are holding fish right now. Inline spinners and topwaters are the preferred method for most anglers right now on the big part of the lake.
If you are having a hard time finding some walleye, the Smallmouth action has been good. Look on the deeper rock bars in 10-15 ft of water and you can use swimbaits, dropshot rigs and jigs tipped with your favorite crawfish imitator. Use your electronics to locate the fish and sit right on top of them until you find what they want to bite on. Diamond Point, Huddles reef and Rogers point all are producing good numbers of fish right now.
We are starting to head into the “Dog Days” of summer but the fishing has actually stayed well for many anglers. Making sure you have multiple techniques setup, using your electronics and fishing in those prime times will put the most fish topside for you. We do have some limited availability at the Lodge for cabins please call in to check availability 218-836-2500. As always be safe on all your outdoor adventures and we hope to see you on the water!
Well, you are here to fish you should also explore what the Leech Lake Area has to offer!