Are you keeping up with all that’s going on??


We are almost through the month of August and everyone seems to be wondering where the summer went… the weather has been cool up in our areas. Mainly staying in the low 70’s during the day and reaching record lows at night going all the way down to the 40’s.. Brr! We have had a lot going on in the past month, and still some things in the upcoming months! Moondance Jammin Country, Moondance Jam, Walker Bay Days, Cajun Fest,  Crazy Days, and 3 Girls Night Outs have already come and gone. That’s crazy to think about! We still have one more Girls Night Out on September 25th, Fall Has it All, Ethnic Fest on September 14th, and Harvest Moon on October 5th to come! Make sure you are watching the upcoming events are on our website for more information! All events can be found at

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