August 7, 2023
Walker on the Water Lutheran Church (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) began as a “preaching station.” There were a few families who lived in and around the Walker area that found the trip up to St. Mark Lutheran Church (WELS) in Bemidji was a bit too difficult especially in the winter. We started with just eleven people, in February of 2022.
It was difficult starting out because we didn’t really have a solid venue in which to have church services. We hopped around to a couple different venues and parks for a number of months. Finally, we were blessed with an opportunity at the Community Church of Walker – UCC. They graciously allowed us to hold services on Monday evenings at 7 PM on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month. We are extremely thankful for their hospitality.
We now serve about 30 people, still small but growing! Our goal is to continue to reach out to the community with the gospel message of Christ Crucified! God made him who had no sin to be sin FOR US, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:21)
Our prayer is that we’re able to continue to share the gospel for years to come. All are welcome and we hope to see you there!