Steve Nosbisch
Leech Lake
Fishing on Leech Lake continues to be very good. Lots of keeper sized fish as well as a few larger fish are finding their way into the boat. Leeches and night crawlers continue to be the bait of choice, but preferred presentation seems to be changing day to day. One day a leech floated under a slip bobber is the answer, and the next day the walleyes prefer a night crawler on an 1/8th ounce jig. Continuing to change up presentations until you find what is working for you has been important. The edges of weed or rock points in 9’-15’ of water that are near deeper water are holding a good number of fish right now.
Sunfish can still be caught in the weed beds in the northern bays. If you can find a cabbage patch near deep water you are sure to find some fish. A small leech under a bobber is a good way to trick a few fish into biting.
This week has seen a shift in muskie movement. There are still plenty of fish in the open water, but more and more fish are showing up in shallow structure daily. Casting a smaller profile bucktail, topwater bait, or glide bait is sure to raise a an active fish. As far as Muskies go things are just starting to heat up around here. Muskie fishing should only get better in the coming weeks.