Enjoy joins the Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce

Member of the week
Hello, my name is Stephanie Carlson. I am the owner of Enjoy, the new candy store in Walker. I am beyond excited to expand and join the Walker business community, as we have another candy & ice cream shop in downtown Park Rapids, MN that we opened in May 2021.
I grew up in Park Rapids, MN and received my Bachelors of Science in Nursing from UND. I then worked as a Labor & Delivery nurse in Fargo until my husband, Karl and I had our three children. My husband is a CRNA and had the opportunity to become a partner of the Anesthesia Care Team in Park Rapids in December 2003 and we jumped at the chance to raise our children in a smaller community. I have been a stay-at-home mom since moving back to Park Rapids and have been involved in many school, church, and volunteer roles over the past 19 years. In December, I finished 16 years of serving on the Park Rapids School Board.
Throughout the past many, many years I always dreamed about owning my own candy store and finally in 2021 took a leap of faith and opened Enjoy in downtown Park Rapids. I have absolutely LOVED meeting so many amazing people and look forward each morning to the voices of children filling the store searching for their favorite sweet treats.
Over the past few months as we have been spending time and preparing our new space next to the Java Loon, I have continually felt humbled and blessed to have this opportunity to be in Walker, MN. Our store will be filled with an amazing assortment of bulk candies, gourmet chocolates, homemade fresh fudge, fresh roasted nuts, salt water taffy, and so much more! We cannot wait to see you….you are loved!
Please follow us on Instagram @enjoy.my.store and Facebook – Enjoy – “Your Sweet Shoppe Stop” for updates on our hours and opening day!
Pictured are Chamber Ambassadors:  Jed Shaw and Derek Jensen and Enjoy Owner Stephanie Carlson