Well things are definitely on the move when it comes to Leech Lake. Our Leech Lake Fishing Guides were busy last week with trips as well as fishing the Leech Lake Walleye Tournament. Once again, a huge shoutout and thanks to the tournament committee, all the workers, and the fisherman who come and support this great event and Leech Lake.
In terms of the walleye fishing, the walleyes are definitely transitioning and you have to have the whole arsenal ready to fish for them depending on weather conditions. Everything from a jig and shiner, jig and leech, lindy rigs with leeches, crawlers, minnows, slip bobbers, and spinners are all working right now on different parts of the lake. Key depths seem to be 10-16 feet of water on most days, with some days the shallow bite in 5-8ft of water producing with enough wind to break up the light.
On the West Side of the lake, sand flats that have the long wind blown breakline in 12-16 feet of water seem to producing the best on most days, but many fish are still cruising shallow in 6-9 feet of water. Using your electronics is key to finding these fish and casting jigs or slip bobbers at them seems to be the best bet. Windblow points such as Pine, Little Stoney, Duck 1 and 2, and the Hardwoods are still producing fish, but the fish are definitely migrating.
The East Side of the lake has been also producing a quality bite in Portage Bay where you can find good weed growth and on the rock reefs. Fish are all over the water column so play the wind and just start fishing.
June can be a great month to be on Leech Lake, so give us a call if you want to get on the water!
Tight Lines
Leisure Outdoor Adventures Guide Team
Steve Nosbisch Guide Service
Overall fishing remains pretty good on Leech Lake, but some days are definitely better then others. The fish seem to be constantly on the move right now. Fishing might be really good in a spot one evening and tough the next morning. Staying on the move searching for bitting fish is important right now as the walleyes are transitioning from near their spawning areas to deeper structure. I am still finding most walleyes in 6-12 feet of water. Rocky areas and areas with newly developing weeds are holding a lot of baitfish, which are attracting the walleyes. When the wind is blowing drifting over these areas with a jig and minnow is the go to presentation. When the wind lays down a Lindy rig and leech, or slip bobber and leech or shiner has worked well. With the recent bug hatches happening now I fully expect leeches and crawlers to become the bait of choice in the next few weeks.
The crappies and sunfish are spawning up in the shallow bays where the water is warmer. Look for areas of new weed growth to be holding fish. As always when catching spawning fish please practice catch and release or selective harvest.