National Support your Local Chamber of Commerce Day


As a chamber we love all holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Ethnic Fest, National Strawberry Day, the list goes on. But one of our favorites is “National Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day.”

According to, “Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day is observed annually on the third Wednesday in October. The Chamber of Commerce’s primary objective is to strengthen local enterprises of all sizes and the best way to honor this organization is to use the services of local chamber businesses.”

Chambers have a long history of supporting business climate and economic development. President William Howard Taft first brought the concept for an organization which would represent the concerns of U.S. businesses in an address before Congress in December of 1911, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was founded a year later in 1912.  Since then we have grown to fit our individual area’s needs.


It’s actually quite simple – The Leech Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to protecting and promoting the local business community.  We want to help you network and grow and provide a link for perspective customers.  We are dedicated to bringing business and people to our area so that you have the best medical, educational and other needs met.


Our chamber engages in a variety of events designed to increase your network of contacts.  We host networking events, fundraisers, workshops, and bring in guest speakers, all with the aim of connecting our local business owners.


What did you say?  I don’t need any more customers, I have too much work already or my business just won’t benefit.  We also work hard to keep you informed on events that may have an impact on your business or your life.  This year we hosted a forum for concerned citizens about the 371 bypass and kept our members up- to-date on the project.  We can keep you in the know on important issues for our town.


Please take a minute to consider the chamber of commerce in your area and what they do for your business, your employees and just for you as a local citizen.  Sometimes being a member is just the right thing to do!


Happy National Chamber Day!