Chuck Emery Guide Service – June 21

Fishing Report

The fishing on Leech Lake remains very good. Some days are better than others but if you keep at it you can find fish. Things have definitely moved into an early summer pattern.

When the wind blows the rock bite has been best. Look to reefs like Submarine Island and the Annex. Walleyes are also holding on some of the smaller structures just off shore. In moderate winds work the sand in Traders and Sucker Bay.

You can still catch fish on a Jig and Shiner. Lindys with leeches and Crawers are also putting fish in the boat.

No reports on Muskies. Good Muskie action is still lickely a few weeks away.

The weather has been great. It’s been a great time of year to spend time on Leech Lake.

Chuck Emery Guide Service
