Arvig seeking students for essay contest


NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                                                                                                                        Dec. 15, 2016

Media Contact:

Lisa Greene, Director of Marketing


150 Second Street SW | Perham, MN 56573

218.346.8294 |


Arvig Seeks Area Students for Essay Contest;

Chance to Win All-Expenses Paid Trip to Washington, D.C.


PERHAM, MINN., DEC. 15, 2016—Arvig is pleased to announce its essay contest to send one area student to visit Washington, D.C., for the Foundation for Rural Services (FRS) Youth Tour, June 3 – 7, 2017. The essay prompt for the contest is “Technology and Rural Life.” Essays and completed applications are due to Arvig by email before 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, February 28.

“The kids in our rural communities are our future leaders,” said David Arvig, Chief Operating Officer and Vice President at Arvig. “It’s important to offer opportunities like the Youth Tour so they can learn more about how the decisions made in Washington directly impact our life in rural Minnesota. We’re happy to be a sponsor.”

The chosen student will be one of 100 high school students from rural America who will win an all-expenses-paid trip to explore our nation’s capital, and get an inside look at the legislation and governmental process of the telecommunications industry.

Last year, Kaitlyn Kluck, of Hawley, was selected to represent Arvig and her community at the 2016 Youth Tour.

“I’m very grateful that I got this opportunity,” Kluck wrote about her experience, featured on the Arvig Blog. “I had a lot of fun and met people from all over the country, as far away as Alaska … I really hope [Arvig keeps] sending students on this trip for many years after this because it was truly a great experience.”

The FRS Youth Tour provides a forum for teens to meet and interact with their peers from other rural communities, as well as key legislative, regulatory and government figures. The Youth Tour delegates will explore historic sites including the Lincoln Memorial, the U.S. Capitol, Mount Vernon and Arlington National Cemetery.

Eligible students must be high school students, age 16 or 17 at the time of the Youth Tour in June 2017 (FRS will not accept any student age 18 or older), and receive Arvig Internet, telephone and/or television services at their residence. Students and their parents should visit to download the essay prompt and contest requirements, application forms and submission details.

About FRS

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), in cooperation with the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA) and its members, seeks to sustain and enhance the quality of life throughout rural America by advancing an understanding of rural telecommunications issues. FRS is committed to educational achievement in rural communities, recognizing that tomorrow’s economic and civic development depends on the involvement and commitment of today’s youth. Visit us at

About Arvig

Arvig is the largest independent telecommunications provider in the state of Minnesota. In addition to broadband services, Arvig also provides telephone and television services, security and home automation, and a wide variety of other residential and business services. For more information, visit Arvig online at



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