Fishing Report for June 27, 2022

Fishing Report

Dick Weinberger


The water temps rose to the low 70’s along with 7-10 miles per hour winds made for excellent conditions early in the week.  The walleye action was solid but we had to pick through them as about half were less than 15 inches.  The first half of the week I was using strictly bottom bouncers with both crawlers and leeches with crawlers out preforming leeches for numbers but the bigger fish were caught on leeches.  Then we had our first large fly hatch of the season.  I was still marking good numbers but they were holding tight to the bottom.  When I couldn’t get them to respond to spinners I slowed down and got some to take a leech on a lindy rig.  Walker Bay, Sucker Bay and Steamboat Bay all have been productive. I got most of my fish in 10-12ft depths while others had luck in the 13-15ft edges.  Still others had success with bobbers and leeches around shallower weeds.