Fishing Report for July 15, 2019

Fishing Report Uncategorized

Steve Nosbisch Guide Service

Well we’ve made it to the halfway point in the summer. I think it’s safe to call this time of year the “dog days” of summer. Hot weather and sunny days seem to make up most of our days.

Walleye fishing continues to be up and down. Some days just seem to be better then others. There is still a lot of bait in the water, as the yearly big hatches seem to be dragging on. Trolling crank baits over 12’-17’ flats have been producing some walleyes. Crank baits in a perch or crayfish pattern have been producing well. Pay attention to your locator and fish the areas where you see bait coming up off the bottom. In the evenings slide up on the shorelines in 7’-10’ of water and continue to pull crank baits to catch those actively feeding walleyes.

Some of the weed lines are also still producing some walleyes. Pulling spinner rigs tipped with either a crawler or leech has been producing a wide variety of species. Everything from Walleyes to Perch to Pike to Panfish and Bass can be caught along the weed lines this time of year. Green, yellow, and gold spinners or a plain live bait rigs are good choices. Cabbage and coon tail weeds in 9’-15’ are guaranteed to produce some sort of action.

The muskie fishing is still a little on the slow side, but some guys are starting to move a good number of fish and turning them into bitters. Bucktails and jerk baits seem to be the best baits as of now. The cabbage beds seem to be holding a few more fish then the rock reefs right now.


Leisure Outdoor Adventures

July 14th Fishing Report

Our Leisure Outdoor Adventures Guide team has been all over the past 10 days from Leech, Cass, Winnie, Mille Lacs and the lakes within the Hackensack area.  Fishing on the big lakes has been up and down but some of the smaller lakes are kicking out great action bites right now. Here is the run down from the guide team

Leech Lake

On Leech Lake right now it is all about feeding windows and covering ground.  If you can be near the walleyes when they are eating fishing can be great, but many times you will see them and getting to bite isn’t the easiest.  Best fishing has been using slip bobbers with leeches, dragging lindy rigs with crawlers or minnows, or pulling bottom bouncers with spinners. On the west side of the lake, working breaklines in 15-25 feet of water has been working well throughout Walker Bay, Traders Bay, Kabekona and Agency Bays.  On the Main Lake, pulling spinners on rock transitions has produced some walleyes or either long lining or leadcore with crankbaits off the reefs during the day and on the edges and on top in the evenings. #5 or #7 Shad Raps and Flicker Shads are good baits to start with.

Muskies have been a little tougher this week, fish are being seen, but not super active.  With the Full Moon and recent heat wave any day now that switch could flip. Bucktails, Crankbaits, and Top Waters would be the best best for lures.  Just start casting and look to the main lake rocks, sand bars, or any emergent weed beds.

Panfish are getting caught in cabbage beds with a 1/32oz jig tipped with a leech, crawler or plastic.  Remember to keep in mind putting those trophy 9.5-10” plus fish back as they are the prime spawners, but those 8-9”ers are perfect for a fish fry.

Until next week

Leisure Outdoor Adventures Guide Team

-Jason Freed

President of Leisure Outdoor Adventures

