Bemidji Brewing by Guest Blogger Megan Hill


Winter has arrived and we at Bemidji Brewing are excited to celebrate the cold weather months in our newly expanded location in downtown Bemidji!

Beer is a perfect compliment to any season, and Winter especially fits this bill. This month Bemidji Brewing is releasing a few beers that pair perfectly with the falling snowflakes.

First up is the Winter IPA. This black rye IPA was dry hopped with Amarillo, Citra and Simcoe hops to exude notes of pine, mango and orange layered over a malt base that is just rich enough to offset the massive amount of hops! You can grab yourself a pint of this beer at the Taproom now, or look for it available on tap in the Walker Area in January.

The 2016 Double Porter will also be available on tap and in bottles beginning December 9th at the Bemidji Brewing Taproom. This award winning beer has layers upon layers of rich English and German malts that come together to form this big, dark, roasty ale. Notes of dark chocolate, cocoa, caramel, and bread crust all play a part in this celebrated Winter Warmer.

include the start of Sunday Off-Sale on December 11th. This means if you plan to visit Bemidji Brewing on a Sunday, you will now be able to take home your favorite flavor in a Growler or Howler! Plus Bemidji Brewing recently launched a small plate menu so you are now able to enjoy a bite to eat while you enjoy a beer!

Are you thirsty after reading this? Then make the trip to Bemidji and enjoy a pint in our Taproom, or enjoy us on tap at many fine establishments in the Walker area! And be sure to check Bemidji Brewing out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up on all current happenings.

Megan Hill

Bemidji Brewing

m: 218.208.8282

o: 218.444.7011

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